My wife and I Have lived in Telluride for about fifteen years and prior to building, I knew all the architects in town. When it was time to pick an architect, Cindy and I chose Jerry Ross. There are probably a million reasons why someone would pick one architect over another, but what I saw in Jerry was his creativity.
Between the tight restrictions of HARC and the fact that the home is Victorian in nature, one would think that there is little room for creative design. Jerry overcame these obstacles and designed a home which we are both very pleased with. The creativity of the home is obviously displayed, simply by driving by and noticing the front facade. The home is on main street, 521 W. Colorado Ave, if you want to take a look. When one drives the length of Main Street it is hard to find a home that has an outside appearance as strong as our home. It is sort of funny, but throughout the summer and often in the winter, tourists are outside taking pictures of the house.
Being in the real estate profession, I understand that architecture sells the home, it is not the process but the creativity shown in the end result.
Rick and Cindy Fusting.